Our centre is closed during the latest lockdown to help minimise the spread of Covid-19 but we are delighted to now offer a range of training courses online so you can keep learning during this time.
In light of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, we are mindful that our usual new year, new start campaign to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining continual professional development, seeking new employment or promotion opportunities, or taking the leap and becoming self employed may not be a priority, its vitally important that plans are set in place in readiness for life beyond lockdown and a return to more normal times, albeit if not as life as we knew it!
Whilst for the time being it’s not possible to deliver face to face training, we have some great industry recognised qualifications available via our tried and tested e-leaning courses with zoom 1 to 1 learner support including the innovative exam at home or training centre options. The following courses are competitively priced, easily accessed and all industry recognised.
For further details, please email your course requirements and contact detail to info@puretrainingsolutions.org.uk and we shall be pleased to assist.
e-leaning courses with zoom 1 to 1 learner support including innovative exam at home or training centre option.
Level 1 Award in Health & Safety in a Construction Environment
Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders
Level 2 Award in Food Safety & Hygiene
Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety & Hygiene
Level 3 Award in HACCP
Level 4 Award in Food Safety & Hygiene
Level 4 Award in HACCP
For employers, the Government backed Kickstart Scheme should be of great interest and we recommend all SME’s (small to medium sized enterprises or businesses) to a least have a look at the details. For further details or to discuss becoming involved in the scheme, please email your business name, address, and contact details to info@puretrainingsolutions.org.uk The summary of details below set out the benefits to employers, businesses, and trainees.
1. The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to create new job placements for 16- to 24- year-olds on Universal Credit who are at risk of long-term unemployment.
2. 100% of the National Minimum Wage (or the National Living Wage depending on the age of the participant) for 25 hours per week for a total of 6 months associated employer National Insurance contributions.
3. Employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions.
4. Employers can spread the start date of the job placements up until the end of December 2021.
5. You’ll get £1,500 funding per job placement. This is for setup costs and to support the young person develop their employability skills. If you get someone else to do some of this for you, such as your Kickstart gateway, you’ll have to agree how you will share this money.
6. Employers can pay a higher wage and for more hours, but the funding will not cover this.
7. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will send the funding to the Kickstart gateway. They will be responsible for giving the funding to you.
Essential Information for Businesses and Individuals
The following web links are a free and useful source of reading and an ideal source of information as part of continual professional development and for managing business operations.
HSE / First Aid during the Covid-19 pandemic
Security Industry Authority
Pure Training Solutions
Food Standards Agency
CITB (Construction Industry Training Board)