Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry (Refresher)
Course Dates:
11th February and 10th & 11th March 2025
2nd, 7th, 8th April
5th, 11th & 12th June
Duration: 3 Days
New requirement: top-up training (Door Supervisors & Security Guards)
From 1 October 2021, you must have one of the following before you can apply for a door supervisor or security guard licence: one of the new qualifications introduced on 1 April or one of the older licence-linked qualifications and a ‘top-up’ qualification. This applies to any applications submitted on or after 1 October, including renewals. If you submit your application before this date, you will not need to take additional training.
More relevant course material
The SIA have moved training that is critical for all sectors to the ‘common unit’ (taken by all security operatives). This includes new training on terror threat awareness, dealing with emergencies, and statement writing, in addition to new sector-specific content – for example, The door supervision course includes new material on the use of equipment such as body worn video recorders and breathalysers. The security guarding course includes new material covering personal safety
More practical assessments
They have increased the number of practical elements in the training to help learners reinforce their knowledge. The practical assessments include, searching, dealing with conflict, report/statement writing and using communications devices.
First Aid
Attendees of both top up and full Door Supervision & Security Guarding courses require a recognised first aid qualification with a minimum of 12 months remaining certification prior to commencing the course.
Pure Training Solutions deliver 1st aid training and have courses conveniently aligned to each scheduled security course.
For further details or check available dates (Unless an in-house course, all courses are delivered at Bridlington). Please contact Pure Training Solutions on 01262 424368 or email info@puretrainingsolutions.org.uk
Course Fee: Top-up DS is £270.00 (inc. VAT) / EFA is £108 (inc. VAT)
To Enrol: Please complete and submit the online enrolment form here.
Level 2 Award for Security Officers in the Private Security Industry (Refresher)
Course Dates:
20th March
5th June
Duration: 1-Day
New requirement: refresher training (Door Supervisors & Security Guards)
From 1 October 2021, you must have one of the following before you can apply for a door supervisor or security guard licence: one of the new qualifications introduced on 1 April or one of the older licence-linked qualifications and a ‘refresher’ qualification. This applies to any applications submitted on or after 1 October, including renewals. If you submit your application before this date, you will not need to take additional training.
More relevant course material
The SIA have moved training that is critical for all sectors to the ‘common unit’ (taken by all security operatives). This includes new training on terror threat awareness, dealing with emergencies, and statement writing, in addition to new sector-specific content – for example, The door supervision course includes new material on the use of equipment such as body worn video recorders and breathalysers. The security guarding course includes new material covering personal safety
More practical assessments
They have increased the number of practical elements in the training to help learners reinforce their knowledge. The practical assessments include, searching, dealing with conflict, report/statement writing and using communications devices.
First Aid
Attendees of both top up and full Door Supervision & Security Guarding courses require a recognised first aid qualification with a minimum of 12 months remaining certification prior to commencing the course.
Pure Training Solutions deliver 1st aid training and have courses conveniently aligned to each scheduled security course.
For further details or check available dates (Unless an in-house course, all courses are delivered at Bridlington). Please contact Pure Training Solutions on 01262 424368 or email info@puretrainingsolutions.org.uk
Course Fee: Refresher SG is £240 (inc. VAT) / EFA is £108 (inc. VAT)
To Enrol: Telephone 01262 424368 or email info@puretrainingsolutions.org.uk and provide your name, contact number, address and course required.